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$10 Watch from AliExpress: 1 month after

This is the question I asked myself when I looked at this watch listed at $9.67 with free shipping. But they looked really good, the pictures and the feedback from the previous buyers was positive, so the curiosity got the best of me.

It was shipped inside a bubble envelope, and inside was some extra bubble wrap. The watch arrived with zero damage.

The straps appear to be real leather, but I can’t say for sure. My experience shows that faux leather tends to chip away and fade after short periods of time, but this was not the case here, so I’m inclined to say that it indeed is true leather.

After a month there still is not significant wear or damage to the watch. I was careful with it, but I still wore it at least 3 days a week for the minimum of 9-10 hours. There are some minor scratches on the bottom, and some small wear on the band (as shown in the video), but that’s it.

The left dial does not have any functions. The middle one on the right is responsible for adjusting the date and the time, and according to the comment I received on Reddit, the right top and bottom ones are for the stop/reset for the chronometer, but I did not have any luck activating it. Not a huge deal, and I didn’t see myself using it for that purpose anyway – I have a digital one in my phone which is more accurate anyway.

Overall, this watch is a solid 5/7 in my books. I can’t really complain about anything, especially accounting for the price. The only possible problem that I see is changing the battery once it dies, as there are no screws on the bottom, only on the front, which means that to change the battery, if it comes to that, may involve removing the face and the hands.










Check out the pictures that were taken about a month after, and the video above for more product shots (some people think that videos provide a more accurate product depiction).

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